Who We Are
As a club we wholeheartedly believe football should be about fun, development and enjoyment, not simply playing the best players and is about involving every boy or girl.
We still love our silverware though – and our structured football development programme has bought the club much success. Creating winners both on and off the pitch.
We hope all our players have a long and happy childhood, growing up with us all the way to becoming an adult. This is a fantastic opportunity for our youngest children that will serve to build confidence and close friendships and above all else provide fantastic life-long childhood memories.
Our season typically runs from August to May with an awards day in June. Many teams continue to play tournaments and train throughout the summer.
EB Lions AFC support all the FA initiatives that are aimed at “Fair Play” and “Respect” which includes players, supporters and all those involved in youth football.
“Starting at U5 boys and girls are given the opportunity to train, learn new skills, make new friends and to embody the key values of fair play, good sportsmanship and the confidence to give of their best “
Adrian Bush
Club Chairman